Taboo Charming Mother cover

Taboo Charming Mother

Taboo Charming Mother - 염모艶母

Based on the manga by Miyabi Tsuzuru.

Glossy mother taboo
Misako is married for one year. I came to the Amamiya family as a wife after my husband Yosuke.
Her busy husband won’t get in the middle of the night, and her frustration is only accumulating.
One day, one prank call to her …
At first I decided to ignore
“Instinct” as a “woman” begins to aching on a reckless phone call that is repeated, and it is turned into a telephone SEX.
From there she suddenly fell into a lusty valley ….

Kazuhiko has a big crush on his stepmother, or rather, he wants to have sex with her. Since he can’t just ask it from her directly nor force it on her, he comes up with quite a devious plan, step by step leading him closer to his goal. But in the end, his stepmother won’t be enough for him…

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